Jambi Jambi Supercenter - Helping you ride your bike with flair.

Super Jambo Grom Pre 1000 km Bike Packing Adventure

The Super Jambo Grom Pre 1000km Self Supported Bike Packing Mis-Adventure

The Super Jambo Grom Pre XXX is a 1000 km route using the NEHC1000 route mapped out for New England High Country. The event starts and finishes in Walcha, NSW. 2022 was the first year this event took place and will be returning for 2024. Registration is now available with an early bird pricing.


The Grom Pre XXX is apart of the Super Jambo Grom Pre Event Series. A sporadic collection of events.


A 1000km bike packing/touring ride on the Northern Tablelands hosted by Jambi Jambi. This ride is self supported 10 day (approximate) ride, traversing the unique landscape and townships of the New England in NSW.


The route starts and finishes in the township of Walcha, NSW on the Northern Tablelands.


Early morning DJ set to start on Saturday 16th of March. Giving yourself 7 to 13 days to complete it. 

Further information 

Read the thorough route description here - https://bikepacking.com/routes/nehc1000/ 

Ride Highlights

  • Premium, quiet country road gravel
  • Resupply in the high country towns
  • Sleeping under the stars 
  • A beer in the country pubs
  • A hike a bike section 
  • Riding the Bicentennial Trail
  • Travelling through old growth rainforest and National parks


  • Be prepared for hot weather - while this is the high country and lower summer temps are expected. It is still hot and sunny Australia. Bring your Zinc and hydralite. 
  • Be prepared for storms and weather changes. Weather in the high country can be unpredictable. 
  • Treat your drinking water - This is cattle grazing country, the rivers will need filtration systems or tablets. 
  • Snakes - Keep an eye out for sunbaking snakes. 


  • Camping will be marked out on the bought version of the route this will have specific camping, hut, and accomodation locations. 

Food and Water

  • Food - food resupply are roughly every two days or less. Plan accordingly. The bought version of the route will have food resupply marked on GPX file. 
  • Water - treat all water before drinking. Reliable water can be up to 100km apart. Water will be marked on the bought route GPX.
  • Pub meals - will be marked on the bought version of the route. 
  • General Stores - will be marked on the bought version of the route.


If you have questions email me at boo@jambijambi.com