Welcome to the registration for the Super Jambo Grom Pre MAXXX 1000km & 600 km & 330 km for 2024.
With a grand departure date of the 16th of March, the Grom Pre this year will consist of a morning DJ session with special guest @Andras_dj and co-DJ Hiking Rat
330 km - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45369356
600 km - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45690199
1000 km - https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45689738
Check out the huge amount of detail here - https://bikepacking.com/routes/nehc1000/
Stay tuned for more details on the Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/jambzdistro
The Facebook Event - https://fb.me/e/2RfwUgQ9T
And of course you can find me at @jambi_jambi and @super_jambo_grom_pre