Jambi Jambi Supercenter - Helping you ride your bike with flair.

Walcha Road Lunch Mix Terrain 69km | 1 Day

These routes are a part of a collection of day and multi-day routes created by Jorja Creighton aka @jambi_jambi for Walcha Tourism. The day rides are offered with detail and are free to enjoy. The multi-day routes in greater detail; camping, resupply, water sources, and additional information can be bought through this website.  
This route is free! but if you feel the urge to donate since you had a great day or appreciate the information you can do so here;

For when you want to prioritize joy, this 60% road terrain route makes for a fine choice. Starting with 35km’s of slick and fast country paved road all the way to the lunch spot.  

Walcha Road Hotel Lunch Route info by jambi jambi
Race....or ramble... along Bergen Road before skidding...or coasting... into the Great North Railway... just the Main North Line these days. The train line was laid in 1870 and remnants of the community once using the line for trade can be spotted in the quiet stone dwellings and wool stores lining the tracks to the north. 
There isn’t much use racing the southbound trains as you start a beeline to Walcha Road Hotel. They only travel through once a day at 9 in the morning. But you can enjoy the quiet, sturdy tracks in the landscape to your right as you roll down to fill your belly with pub grub. 
Walcha Road hotel route by jambi jambi image by jack durr
The original historic Walcha Road Hotel built in 1860 was damaged by fire but has since been renovated and reopened in 2010. While you wait for your parmi you could walk up the adjacent road to find the almost hidden heritage listed Walcha Road Station. It has large steel remnants from when the trainline serviced the superphosphate, live export and over 8,500 bales of wool each year. 
After a long break you can quickly shoot up the Oxley Highway. Just as the blood returns to your legs - turn onto Niangala Road. The powdered gravel finally crunching at your tires. A quick cruise down to the MacDonald river - the winding, willow lined river which demands to be swum in come the summertime. 
The Walcha Road Hotel cycling jambijambi 
The afternoon sun behind you, take the romantic journey through quiet country roads and quiet houses of the Walcha locals. The gravel so smooth it conveyor belts beneath you. 
Coming with the sun at your back into the town. If you are thirsty for another drink you could always make a sharp left turn to the Commercial Hotel, hidden off the main road. An open fire, warmly welcoming pub. Where the locals park up every afternoon and make sure to keep your ears clean to hear the most current local town gossip. 
 Walcha Road hotel lunch cycling route

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