Jambi Jambi Supercenter - Helping you ride your bike with flair.

Long Plain 41.3 Mile return - 1 day

Long Plain 41.3 Mile return - 1 day

80% Gravel | 20% grassy/hard mud track

A day gravel bike route in Kosciusko National Park. Starting at the gate of Long Plain Road. Lunch spot at Currango Station. 

Recommended driving to the gate of Long Plane Road. In the winter time the gate is closed to cars but has a large turn out for somewhere to leave your car. This was ridden by me in mid June. Weather was a partly cloudy day with a top of 11 degrees. 

Plenty of water on route, this would have more traffic on the roads during popular summer times. But on the off-season the roads all to yourselves. 

IG story highlights of this route - 


